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How to Keep the Air Flowing Around Furniture

Air flow is beneficial to furniture made from wood, especially soft or porous wood, like maple and pine. In humid climates, keeping furniture cool will help prevent the furniture from warping or the paint from peeling. Vinyl or leather furniture is porous, and can even "sweat" or melt in humid climates. Furniture that is kept outdoors should be stacked loosely, so that the air can get to the surface of each piece, reducing the risk of mold.

Things You'll Need

  • Furniture cleaner
  • Air deflector
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      Place vinyl, leather or soft, porous wood furniture in an air-conditioned room. These types of furniture do well in central air conditioning. Place the furniture evenly throughout the room, so that the flow of the air from the vent is easily circulated around all the furniture.

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      Separate leather furniture from vinyl within an air-conditioned room. Place newly varnished or painted wood furniture away from vinyl or leather, and in the direct flow of air conditioning or a large floor fan to help dry the surface and keep the furniture cool while it dries. Paint or varnished furniture will not dry well in an airless climate, especially oil-based paint.

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      Make sure that your furniture fits the space in the room. Do not decorate a small room with large pieces of furniture, especially a room without air conditioning. Use air filters to ensure quality air flow in the air-condition system. Sufficient air flow will impede the accumulation of dust. Dust mites can infiltrate furniture. Use an allergy grade air-condition filter to eliminate molds and fungi in the air flow, which can ruin furniture over time. Clean furniture regularly to eliminate mildew buildup, which restricts the flow of air on the furniture surface in general.

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      Make sure air-condition vents are open within a room. Resist any temptations to turn heat on too high a temperature, which can help dry out the air and wood furniture.

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      Buy furniture that enables proper air flow ventilation, such as modern winged back chairs. Place adjustable furniture in an open position so that the surface gets adequate airflow, especially if the upholstery is made from vinyl or leather.

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      Avoid placing furniture over air vents, if possible. If not, use an air deflector to keep air circulating more efficiently around furniture.