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Removal of Pet Hair & Dandruff

Pet hair and dandruff are two things that commonly leave their mark, especially on furniture, carpets and rugs. When either one builds up it can become very noticeable and embarrassing when company comes to visit. There are simple, yet productive ways of removing pet hair and dandruff from your furniture.
  1. Rubber Glove Wonder

    • A damp rubber cleaning glove with a textured surface picks up pet hair quick and easy. After getting the glove wet and removing any excess water, place it on your hand and run it along furniture, focusing on creases between cushions. Remove the hair periodically and throw in the garbage.

    Damp Cleaning Sponge

    • Use a thick, soft cleaning sponge to remove pet hair. Get the sponge wet and then ring it out until it feels damp. Run the sponge over any area where pet hair is visible. Sponges work well for pet hair that is stuck to walls and windows too. After removing the hair from the sponge, redampen it if you need to clean other areas.

    Specialty Hair Removal Products

    • Search your local pet stores for items such as rubber rakes and felt brushes that you can run across furniture and rugs. These rakes and brushes will gather the hair together easily, making for an easy cleanup. For larger areas where the hair has gathered, such as a kitchen floor, consider investing in a rubber broom, which works better than a typical bristle broom, which can cause static.

    Lint Roller

    • Lint rollers work well for animal and human dandruff that has fallen onto clothing and soft surfaces like your sofa and recliners. Lint rollers are easy to use and are inexpensive to purchase. You can find lint rollers at most major department stores and animal stores.

    Humidity and Grooming

    • One of the best ways to remove animal dandruff from your furniture is to keep it from ever happening. If your cat or dog suffer from constant dandruff, which is dry, flaky skin, consider keeping a humidifier in your home so the air stays constantly moist. Also, groom your pet's hair regularly, which helps to stimulate new growth but also produces natural oils underneath the hair, keeping your pet dandruff free.