Home Garden

Care & Cleaning of a Cedar Wood Chest

With proper care and cleaning, a cedar wood chest will retain its natural beauty for generations. Storing or displaying a cedar chest in a room that maintains a high level of humidity is not recommended.
  1. Routine Care Considerations

    • Dust your cedar chest on a regular basis, using either a soft cloth or soft bristled vacuum brush. If you choose to wax a newer chest, periodically clean it with oil soap cleaner. This will eliminate the possibility of wax build-up. When applying the wax, use a motion that goes with the wood grain.

    Repair Considerations

    • Deep scratches and stains will typically require refinishing, but it is sometimes possible cover minor scratches and even cracks with paste wax.


    • Avoid using waxes and spray polish products, which contain silicone. Silicone buildup makes it more difficult to do future refinishing work on the chest. Never place a vase of flowers or a glass of water directly on a cedar surface.