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Disguising Cat Scratches on Leather Chairs

Leather furniture is durable and can endure hard use by humans. However, it is not impervious to your cat's sharp claws. It is nearly impossible to train cats to stay off the furniture, so eventually scratches are likely to occur. Be assured there are several tricks to disguise scratches so you can enjoy your cat and maintain attractive leather furniture.
  1. Shoe Polish

    • Shoe polish can disguise minor cat scratches on leather chairs. Thoroughly clean your leather with a commercial cleaner to remove grime and dirt, Select shoe polish that will closely match the color of your chair. Apply a small amount onto a cotton-tipped applicator and test the color on an inconspicuous spot on your chair. If you are pleased with the results, gently dab the polish onto the scratch. Immediately buff it with a clean moist cotton cloth or paper towel.

    Marking Pen

    • Disguise a cat scratch on leather with a non-permanent marking pen. This method is especially well-suited for black leather chairs when matching color isn't critical. Select a fine-tipped marking pen with water-soluble black ink. Do not use permanent ink because the ink can't be blended with the leather after the color has been applied. Use light pressure and follow the line of the scratch with the tip of your marking pen. Allow the color to dry. Use a moist clean towel to remove excess ink that surrounds the scratch.

    Leather Repair Kit

    • Camouflage cat scratches on leather chairs with a commercial leather repair kit. These are readily available at your home building supply store. You will first need to treat the surface with a good-quality leather cleaner. Follow the instructions included with the leather repair kit and fill the scratch with colored vinyl compound. Allow it to dry before applying a protective coating of the kit's finishing compound. Leather conditioner is recommended after the repair has been completed.

    Craft Paint

    • Acrylic craft paint can be used to replace color on scratched leather. It is available in a wide variety of colors and shades at your local craft store. Mix colors until you match your leather, and test it on the underside of your chair. When you are satisfied with the results, use a small artist's brush to apply paint directly to the scratch. Immediately swipe the scratch with a slightly damp paper towel to remove excess paint. Allow it to dry, and complete the repair by applying a protective coat of leather conditioner.