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End Tables Made of Ash Wood

Several species of ash are used in the lumber industry, including black ash, green ash and blue ash. The most coveted, however, is white ash, Fraxinus americana. Renowned for its strength and straight grain, white ash is used to make many commodities, including baseball bats, hockey sticks, flooring and furniture.
  1. White Ash

    • White ash is a medium-sized tree native to the eastern third of the United States. It grows on moist, rich, well-drained soil and is not a dominant species, according to the U.S. Forest Service. White ash grows quickly and has dense, strong wood. The trees are sensitive to pollution and are afflicted by several insect species, including the emerald ash borer, the brown-headed ash sawfly and the ash bark beetle. Despite their susceptibility to insects and disease, white ash trees are commonly used as park and landscape trees.


    • The appearance of cut wood is critical in furniture making. As its name implies, white ash sapwood is light, almost white in color. Heartwood is darker and more honey-colored, but the sapwood is more sought after. Sapwood is coarse grained and looks similar to oak. Unlike oak, however, its grains are not "flecked," or broken up. Boring tracks left by insects are common in ash wood and are not considered defects. White ash is a porous wood that takes staining very well.


    • Because it tends to grow quickly, white ash wood is very dense. This makes it a tough, durable wood that is ideal for furniture. End tables made of ash will likely stand up to abuse for several years. Baseball bats are commonly made of ash wood because of its shock resistance. The wood can withstand being hit without splintering. If you have children, this characteristic is a clear benefit as children are often tough on furniture.

    Locations and Grading

    • Ash wood is graded and priced differently depending on where is was harvested. Familiarize yourself with these specifications to ensure you purchase end tables made of the finest ash wood. Southern white ash is the highest quality and most expensive. It is found from Texas through Oklahoma and east along the southern coast. Middle grade white ash comes from the southern Appalachian region. Finally, the lowest graded white ash comes from the northern Appalachian regions, including northern Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, New York and the Canadian province of Ontario.