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How to Buy a Blender

A blender is a must for any kitchen. Though typically used to make drinks, blenders can be used to mix ingredients, chop vegetables and cut down on preparation time for different kitchen chores. It's easy to buy a blender when you follow these simple guidelines.


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      Decide on a blender type. Both counter top blenders and hand held blenders should be considered. Compare the types based on your needs. Narrow down your choices to at least three blenders, it's best to have options.

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      Review materials. Compare blenders and the materials used to make them. Look for high quality materials that can hold up well over time without developing scratching or shattering.

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      Look at product reviews. Online consumer product websites and shopping sites offer details on different blenders and performance. Check out the blenders you're considering at several different sites before purchasing.

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      Pick the design. Your blender needs to settle into your kitchen design without becoming an eye sore. Choose a color that complements your kitchen decor before you buy it.

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      Check the prices. Blenders can range from a few dollars to several hundred for restaurant quality equipment. Be reasonable and review the products information. You pay more for extra speeds and stainless steel materials.

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      Choose the right voltage. The more you plan on using your blender the higher the wattage should be to handle the job.

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      Compare storage capacity. Buy a blender with a larger cup size. Smaller blenders may not be able to hold the amount of liquid you need once the items have been blended.

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      Shop around. Blenders can be bought in almost any location online or in stores. For the most advanced and widest range of selection online vendors offer the most choices.