Home Garden

Building a Bench Seat in the Kitchen

Kitchen benches provide a place to sit and enjoy a cup of tea while something bubbles away at the stove. It can also provide hidden storage space, which is always appreciated in the kitchen. Making a sturdy kitchen bench does not require master carpentry skills and can be completed easily over a weekend, so you can enjoy your new kitchen sitting area in next to no time.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 sheets 4-by-8 foot plywood, 3/4 inch
  • Saw
  • Lumber, 2-by-2 inch
  • Wood glue
  • Clamps
  • Drill
  • Screws, 2 1/2 inch
  • Sandpaper
  • Varnish/paint
  • 25-inch piano hinge
  • Screws, 1/2 inch
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    • 1

      Cut 3/4 inch thick plywood into two 17-by-37 inch panels for the front and back of the bench; a 15-by-37 inch base panel; two 17 1/2-by-17 inch panels for the sides; and a lid piece measuring 18-by-37 inches.

    • 2

      Cut 2-by-2 inch lumber into six lengths of 15 inches and six lengths measuring 15 ½ inches. Using a miter cut, trim the ends of all the 2-by-2 inch planks to 45 degree, inward-sloping angles.

    • 3

      Shape the 2-by-2 mitered planks into three rectangular frames. The angled ends will mate to create 90-degree corners. Glue the mitered corners together and set them in corner clamps to dry.

    • 4

      Place the base panel of the bench seat flat on a work surface. Stand the frames on their 15-inch sides with the two outer frames flush with each end of the base and the middle frame centered. All three frames should be centered on the base, which means there will be a 3/4 inch gap between the ends of the frames and the long sides of the base panels.

    • 5

      Drive five 2 1/2 inch screws every 3 inches through each frame into the base panel to secure them.

    • 6

      Place the front and back panel of the bench seat over the sides of the upright frames, which will fill the gap between the frames and the edge of the base panel. Secure with five 2 1/2 inch screws every 3 inches through the side of the frames into the side panels of plywood.

    • 7

      Place the side panels over each end of the bench and secure in place with five 2 1/2 inch screws every 3 inches through the top and bottom of the two end frames. Sand the bench and the lid. Then varnish or paint it and allow to dry.

    • 8

      Center a 25-inch-long piano hinge on one long side of the lid and screw it in place with 1/2 inch screws through the screw holes in the hinge side. Place the lid on top of the bench, with the back hinged side flush, and the front with a 2-inch lip. Secure the other half of the hinge to the back of the bench to complete the kitchen bench with bonus storage space.