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How to Build a Child's Park Bench

Seating should never be an issue at any family gathering. Standard park benches are too large for small children to easily climb on, so creating a child's park bench will give children a comfortable outdoor seating area. A child's park bench can be created simply with a combination of 2x4s cut to different lengths. An adult can even decorate the bench by painting it the child's favorite color, or a rainbow of different colors to blend in with the surrounding landscape.

Things You'll Need

  • Seven 2x4s, 36-inches
  • Two 2x4s, 16-inches
  • Two 2x4s, 27 1/2-inches
  • Two 2x4s, 33-inches
  • Two 2x4s, 15-inches
  • Box of 3-inch nails
  • Hammer
  • Tape measure
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    • 1

      Assemble the front of the base frame. Select one 33-inch 2x4 and attach one 15-inch 2x4s to each end. Stand the 15-inch sections vertically with the smallest side facing you. Stand the 33-inch section horizontally so the 4-inch side is facing you. Line the top of all sections, and attach at this top point with two nails through each end.

    • 2

      Assemble the back of the base frame. Select two 27 1/2-inch 2x4s and one 33-inch 2x4 and place one 27 1/2-inch section at each end of the 33-inch 2x4. Measure up 15-inches from the base end of the 27 1/2-inch sections. Line the top of the 33-inch section with the 15-inch mark on both ends, and place two nails at each end to bind the three sections.

    • 3

      Attach the front to the back of the base frame. Select the two 16-inch sections and the front and back base assemblies. Line the top edge of the 16-inch section with the top edge of the front section, and drive two nails from the front into the 16-inch section at each end. Line the back edge of the 16-inch section to the top of the 16-inch mark and nail into place with two nails at each base end.

    • 4

      Attach the slats to the base. Begin at the location where the back of the seating base meets the standing 27 1/2-inch sections. Lay a 36-inch 2x4 between the two ends and nail it into place with two nails on each end. Continue to lay the base slats until they reach the front of the base, creating a slight over hang.

    • 5

      Attach the slats to the back. Begin at the location where the back base slat meets the 27 1/2-inch section, and lay the first slat tight into this crevice. Place two nails into each end, and continue to add slats up the back standing 2x4s until they create a slight overhang.