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New Uses for Old Cribs

For many parents, the idea of disposing of their baby's crib is not one that is looked upon fondly. There is typically a great sentimental value associated with the infant's bed. However, cribs are made sturdy and can be used around the home. Whether you have experience in furniture modification or you are a thrifty parent who has never lifted a hammer before, there are other ways you can use your crib other than throwing it away.
  1. Toy Box

    • You can take the mattress out of the crib, use it for a toddler bed and convert the old crib into a toy box or a bin for stuffed animals. Since young children love to mimic the roles of "Mommy" and "Daddy," they can use this space to tuck their animals into bed. Your child can also read stories to the animals and play with them near the crib, which will help to ease the transition from the old crib to a big bed.


    • If you or your spouse are experienced with tools, consider converting the crib into a table or another piece of furniture. Purchase hinges and fashion a lid to the top to make the crib portable for small projects. You can use it as a rolling table or as a storage bin that you can transport around your house, wherever you need to work. You can also shorten the legs if the table is too tall or take off one side of the crib to use it as a shelf for books or memorabilia. Consider making a daybed by removing the front of the crib and keep the remaining three sides intact. Decorate with plush throw pillows and blankets.


    • Use the long sides of the crib as trellises in your garden to help grow your vines. Nail the longest ends of the crib to a fence and allow your plants to climb up them. You can even disassemble the crib and nail it back together in shapes such as an upside-down letter "V" to let your climbing plants grow. Mark off your garden using the rails as a fence or separate flowerbeds by strategically placing the rails. If you don't want to completely disassemble your crib, you can still use it outside to hold and showcase your potted plants.

    Hanging Device

    • If the rails are still intact, disassemble the crib and use the sides to hang pots and pans from the kitchen. Paint the rail a color to match the room and suspend it from the ceiling using a black chain and bolts. You can mount a long side rail directly on the wall to make a wall organizer and add nails or hooks to keep track of your keys, scissors, tape and any other crafts you might have. If you are comfortable with mounting, use the other side on a wall to showcase your child's artwork.


    • Cribs are built sturdy enough that they can be used repeatedly over the years. If you still can't find a use for your old crib, consider donating it instead of throwing it out. Whether you give it to a friend, relative, a charity that specializes in infant needs or take it to a local secondhand store, you will be sure to help another family with your donation.