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Assembly Instructions for a Delta Eclipse Crib

Preparing the nursery for a new baby is an activity most expectant parents look forward to. From choosing the colors and the theme to painting the walls and buying the furniture, designing a nursery can take a while to finish. Though you may not especially enjoy assembling furniture, the crib doesn't have to take long. If you follow the instructions, you'll be able to set up your Delta Eclipse crib in no time.

Things You'll Need

  • M4 Allen wrench
  • Flat-head screwdriver
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    • 1

      Use the M4 Allen wrench to attach the back rail bottom to the rear left leg and the rear right leg using four 50 mm bolts. Make sure the slot in the back rail top faces up.

    • 2

      Place the back rail top into the slot in the top of the back rail bottom and secure with two 50 mm bolts on the sides. The bolts will go through the rear legs.

    • 3

      Attach the front left leg to the left crib end and the front right leg to the right crib end using four 32 mm bolts and the M4 Allen wrench.

    • 4

      Attach the finished parts from step 2 and step 3 using four 45 mm bolts and two dowels with the M4 Allen wrench.

    • 5

      Use four 50 mm bolts and four barrel nuts to attach the stabilizer bar to the front of the assembly from step 4. Use a screwdriver and M4 Allen wrench.

    • 6

      Attach the mattress support using four 17 mm bolts and the M4 Allen wrench. Make sure the warning on the pouch faces up. You can attach it to any of the three positions, depending on the age of the baby. Only use the top position for newborns. Use the second position when the baby can roll over and the third when the baby can pull up to a standing position.

    • 7

      Attach the front rail to the assembly from step 6 using six 50 mm bolts and the M4 Allen wrench. Use two bolts on the top left and right sides and one bolt on each bottom side.

    • 8

      Store the assembly booklet and M4 Allen wrench in the pouch attached to the mattress support.