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How to shop IKEA

OK, so you find some cheap furniture online at IKEA and you make plans to go there. Shopping IKEA can get you some cheap deals.

Things You'll Need

  • IKEA map
  • car
  • IKEA store
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      Fist step is to find a parking spot. Best time is late at night or early in the morning. Park in a spot that you will remember, better yet grab the map they provide for you and write down your parking location.

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      Ok now that we have a parking spot now we can enter the store, with our map in hand we will find what we have searched for on the internet and locate our item.Check your map and head directly there. You may be side tracked by all these nifty little cheapo items as you navigate your way threw the store, don't stop you will never leave with out a shopping carriage full of items.

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      Once we find the item our map will come into play again, look on the back, oh its a place to put the location of items that are in the warehouse part of the store. Most furniture and other items are just on display making you have to search AGAIN for the item in the warehouse by giving you an isle and bin code. Ok I have screwed this up many a times before, its isle then bin location, reversing these two will cause extreme cursing while trying to locate your furniture in the warehouse part.

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      Ok if you haven't ran out of the store pulling your hair by now, then you must be at the registers. Pay for your items then leave. If you have a palette of stuff like I usually do you will need to take the freight elevators. As soon as the door opens make sure you have a corner of your cart positioned to stop the doors closing as the doors only stay open barely long enough for one person with a pallet cart to get in. Don't bother asking for someone to hold the door for you especially if you live where I do in Boston (refer to my driving in Boston article), just ram your cart into the door opening and force the doors back open. Make your way in and wait for parking level, you did write that down didn't you? If not have fun finding your location.

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      Loading, Oh did I mention to back your car in? No I didn't, because some moron driver will park 1 inch away from your bumper making it almost impossible to load your car. Even if you parked in the furthest space available this person will find you and jam you up. You have to get in and pull forwards, oh be careful you cart doesn't roll away now, hopefully it rolls into the morons car if anything.Load up and head home. Ah you have succesfully navigated IKEA. Now go home and get ready to assemble, oh yes you have to assemble now, hopefully you have a liquor store on the way home, you will need it. At least all the instructions are in picture form, just like when you was in kindergarten, this should be easy!