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Reliable Office Furniture

Planning your home office need not be a difficult, time-consuming task. Once you designate which space will be used as your office, it is time to go about planning what furniture you need to acquire to make it work.
  1. Size

    • In order to ensure maximum reliability, you will want to measure the area that your home office will be taking up. This will determine what size desk you purchase. Since the desk will most likely be your most important piece of office furniture, this will determine the size of accompanying furniture pieces, such as chairs, lamps and smaller tables for printers, fax machines, phones and other devices.


    • Before shopping, make a list of all the things you will need to do in your home office. Taking these things into consideration will prevent you from making impulse buys, which often leads to cluttering -- certainly not a good idea for a functional office space.


    • Office furniture can be purchased new or used; you can buy some of both. This depends largely on your budget. Second-hand furniture is often cheaper and just as sturdy and reliable as brand-new items, because people often want to get rid of their furniture for cheap when moving or when a company goes out of business.