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DIY Mirrored Desk

Mirrored furniture is beautiful, but often too expensive for the average buyer. Mirrors cover the entire piece and reflect the light and colors of the room. Making mirrored furniture might seem complicated, but if you start with something simple, it isn't as daunting. While it is possible to build a mirrored desk from scratch, re-purposing an old desk is cheaper and gives new life to an old piece.
  1. Desk

    • Scour thrift stores or search online for used desks to turn into mirrored beauties. Choose a desk that has a rectangular top and legs made of flat panels. Many simple desks have flat panels for the sides and the back of the desk. Cutting the mirrors to rectangular shapes is easier than rounded edges or cutting thin pieces to cover individual legs. While it is possible, it is also labor intensive and requires cuts that are more precise. It does not matter if the desk has paint coming off or small holes because the mirror covers all blemishes. Choose a desk that is wood or metal, because the mirror adheres to either.


    • Purchase mirror glass from a local glass company and they will cut it to your specific measurements. Measure the length and width of the top of the desk and each side. Make note of the measurements and give them to the cutter at the store. Make sure to purchase sheets large enough for the desk. Cutting the glass is possible, but gluing more than one sheet to the top of the desk looks terrible.


    • Use a glass cutter to cut the mirror to the required size for each side of the desk. Use a tape measure to measure the mirror to the correct length and width. Score the mirror along the ruler using the glass cutter. Make sure to score a straight line. Snap the extra mirror off using your hands or place the mirror on a table so that the cut rests on the edge of the table and press down on the mirror to break it along the cut. Cut the mirror for the top, sides and back of the desk to the correct sizes.


    • It takes a special type of glue to attach the mirror to the desk. Avoid all-purpose adhesives that claim to glue anything and everything. Choose mirror glue, often called mirror mastic, which comes in a caulking tube. Mirror mastic is made specifically for gluing mirrors to walls so they stay up. Not all companies call the glue mastic -- some use mirror adhesive or mirror glue. Place the glue tube in a caulking gun and apply adhesive to the desk in a zig-zag manner. Apply glue to the back of the mirror in the same way. Press the mirror to the desk and let it dry. Repeat for all sides of the desk.


    • Make mirrored drawers by gluing mirror glass to the front of the drawer, leaving the sides and bottom alone. Remove the drawer handle and attach a glass handle after gluing the mirror in place. Turn square table legs into mirrored ones by measure all four sides of the leg and cutting the glass to those measurements. Glue each strip to the sides of the legs. Use grout on the corners where the edges of the mirrors meet. The grout keeps the corners from being sharp. Remember that mirrors become dirty from fingerprints. Use a mirror cleaner on the desk regularly to keep the mirror shiny.