Home Garden

How to Build a Computer Desk on a Budget

Computer desks are important for desktop computer users and helpful even to laptop computer users. The purpose of a computer desk is to give you room to use your computer, while keeping all of your equipment in one area. You can build a computer desk in one of your home's closets for little or no money at all.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Level
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Drill with a Phillips driver bit
  • Extension cord
  • Surge protector
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    • 1

      Empty the contents of your closet, including items stowed on the shelf at the top of the closet.

    • 2

      Measure from the bottom of the shelf to a comfortable desk height using a tape measure. Desk height is usually about 30 inches. Measure from both of the screw holes in the supporting brackets down to the height you choose, and mark those spots with a pencil. Do this on the opposite wall as well.

    • 3

      Hold your level at the marks that you made. Erase and adjust the marks until the level shows that your lines are even. Do this for the opposite wall as well.

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      Lift the shelf off of the supporting brackets and set it aside.

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      Use your screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the shelf's support brackets.

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      Hold the brackets onto the marks that you made so that the marks show through the screw holes. Drive the removed screws into the holes with your drill. Do the same on the opposite wall.

    • 7

      Place the shelf back onto the support brackets.

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      Run an extension cord from a nearby outlet to the closet. Tuck the cord under the baseboard trim to hide it.

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      Attach a surge protector to the extension cord so that you have plenty of outlets for your computer, monitor, other computer equipment and even a lamp.