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How to Fold Down Training Tables With Wheels

Folding a training table with wheels is a simple procedure that requires knowing how the locking mechanism works. Depending on the training table's fold-down mechanism, you can fold down a table by unlocking the legs of the table, or folding down the table top itself. Tables that employ tabs to lock the legs can be folded by pressing on the tabs, while tables where the table top is intended to fold down will be folded down by pressing on the lock bar and folding the table.


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      Find the locking mechanism underneath the table. In training tables that employ a locking mechanism that enables the legs to be folded down, the lock will be a tab and hook at the leg hinge (where the leg meets the table). For training tables where the table top itself is meant to be folded down, there will be a lock bar that is located underneath the table top where the table top is connected to the base or legs of the table.

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      Press in the metal tab for tables that utilizes folding legs, then bring the legs in towards the table to fold them. You may want to lay the table on its side before folding the legs, and lean the table against a wall for support. For tables where the table top folds down, press the lock bar to unlock the mechanism and fold the table down.

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      Lock wheels or rolling casters by pressing down on a tab located on the wheel itself, if there is one. Some wheels or rolling casters may not have locks.