Home Garden

Instructions on How to Make Three-Way Vanity Mirrors

Mirrors are a common purchase for a home and allow us to have that last look at ourselves before we walk out the door. To get the best possible view of yourself, install a three-way vanity mirror that provides multiple views. Perhaps the best part? Three-way vanity mirrors are relatively simple to install.

Things You'll Need

  • 36-by-36-inch sheet of mirror
  • Glass cutter
  • Metal ruler
  • Four 36-inch two by ones, 1/4-inch center-grooved boards, mitre cut at 45 degrees on the ends
  • Two 36-inch two by ones, 1/4-inch center-grooved boards, mitre cut 45 degrees on the ends and mitre cut in one side at a 45-degree angle, lengthwise
  • Six 12-inch two by ones, 1/4-inch center-grooved boards, mitre cut on the ends
  • Wood stain
  • Paintbrush
  • One bottle of extra strong wood glue
  • Two piano hinges, 36 inches long
  • Drill
  • 1/8-inch drill bit
  • Four 2/12-inch-long wall screws
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  1. Cutting the mirror

    • 1

      Clean the glass. Measure 12 inches on the sheet of glass and then cut lengthwise using the ruler as a guide. Measure the remaining 24 inches in half and cut it using the metal ruler as a guide. Clean the glass again. (See reference 1.)

    • 2

      Stain the wood in a color of your choice. Allow the stain to dry. Then apply glue to the mitred ends of all of the boards.

    • 3

      Place the glass in the grooved sections of the wood. Starting with the right side, place the top piece with the glass in the groove on the frame. This will use all of the squared pieces of wood, resulting in an upside down L. Place the left side piece of wood onto the glass with the groove holding the glass. Place the final piece at the bottom of the mirror. Repeat this procedure with the other two pieces of glass, placing the mitred pieces on the right of one section and the left on the other section. Allow for the glue to dry.

    • 4

      Place the piano hinges on the frame that was squared and choose the mitred frame that has the mitre on the right. Screw in all of the screws for the hinge. Repeat this procedure on the left side.

    • 5

      Drill two holes on the top and two on the bottom of the middle frame. Locate where the studs are in the wall where you intend to hang the mirror. Screw in the top two screws to support the mirror. Repeat this procedure with the bottom two screws. (See reference 2.)