Home Garden

The Repair of a Sectional Sofa

A sectional sofa makes decorating and rearranging your home a breeze because when you want a new look, you simply pull the pieces apart and move them around the room. You can add additional pieces to make a longer sofa, or move pieces and add seating to another room. With regular use, the sectional sofa starts breaking down and requires some repairs.
  1. Sliding or Breaking Apart

    • Sectional sofas have a tendency to slide or pull apart from each other, especially when you have lightweight seats or single seats. The lightweight design causes the pieces to move across the floor, even if you just sit down too fast or put too much pressure on a piece. A simple fix involves using flat brackets on the bottom of the couch. You turn the couch pieces upside down and set the pieces side by side. Attach flat brackets to the bottom, screwing into the wood frame and attaching each bracket to both pieces of the sectional. You can also find sectional sofa locking mechanisms that work in the same way. The brackets or mechanisms keep the pieces attached, which stops the couch from sliding apart.

    Sagging Issues

    • A sectional sofa starts sagging because of regular use. Any pressure placed on the top of the couch pushes down on the cushions and padding underneath. As the padding breaks down, the couch starts sagging. You have several repair options at your disposal. You can remove the fabric from the couch and add more padding or stuffing before reattaching the fabric. Remove the cushions from the couch and look for a fabric base sitting on top of the frame. Replacing this fabric helps repair sagging by adding more support.

    Fabric Damage

    • If you find extensive damage to the fabric covering on your couch, your only recourse is reupholstering the couch. You might find seamstresses willing to make a new slipcover or find slipcovers sold by the manufacturer of your sofa. Depending on the size and shape, you might have to upholster the couch yourself. Using new fabric hides the old damaged spots.

    Frame Problems

    • Sectional sofas feature a wood frame with metal springs or padded cushions on top. With regular use, the frame can break down. Repairing the frame yourself is a complicated process because you must gain access to the inside. You can either turn the piece upside down and tear off any fabric, or remove the fabric and padding from the top of the sofa. You must measure the broken wood and purchase new wood of the same size before removing the old wood and screwing in the new pieces.