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What Can Be Done to Repair the Cross Panel of Wood Causing a Sagging Sofa?

Repair of broken or rotting supports under your sofa depends on the type of couch you have. Some have support beams while others might be supported by plywood. Identify the type of wood used and purchase similar wood for replacement. If the frame appears to be beyond repair, sometimes using a commercially available cushion support, re-stuffing the cushions themselves, or sliding a piece of plywood beneath the cushions can help sagging until other arrangements can be made.
  1. Diagnosis

    • Turn the sofa upside down, and cut away any fabric to expose the sofa's framework. The fabric is easily replaced with a new piece and some staples. Locate the damaged framework. It is likely beneath the area that shows the most sagging when you sit on the sofa. Check the wood for soundness. If there are signs of rot, such as crumbly wood or wood that feels or sounds hollow, your repair involves a replacement.


    • Measure the length of available space surrounding the broken area. Your brace will need to be as long a piece as will fit for extra sturdiness. Cut a piece of lumber that is at least an inch thick and the same width as the couch frame piece you are patching. Drill pilot holes where you plan to place screws if needed. The pilot holes serve to hold the screw in place while you tighten them. Select screws that are long enough to go at least halfway into the second board.


    • Straighten the broken board, having someone hold it steady if necessary. Paint wood glue on the boards according to its instructions for use. Press the glued sides of the new board and the broken board together. You may use clamps to secure it in place if you are working alone. C-clamps are ideal. Place the screws and tighten them down. Screws should be used two wide, near the boards' outside edges, and spaced every foot to 18 inches. Leave the clamps in place and allow the glue to dry, overnight or longer as recommended by the manufacturer.


    • If just a small area of the wood is rotten, try trimming it away and patching the space with fresh wood, following the above procedure. The patch can be fitted to the brace board in the open space where you trimmed the rotted wood. This may or may not work, depending on the extent of the damage and the amount of use your sofa gets.