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How to Do Crunches While Your Feet Are Under Your Sofa

Do you want to develop a healthy relationship with your couch? Instead of a TV-watching, couch potato routine, develop a gut-busting abdominal routine that uses the help of your couch to anchor you as it holds your feet in place. Working out at home can help you keep your date with exercise since, at times, just the act of getting out the door to go the gym can be daunting. Your couch is a great workout prop, especially when it comes to doing all manner of crunches. Here's how you can work those abs by doing crunches using your couch.

Things You'll Need

  • Couch
  • Exercise mat
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    • 1

      Place your exercise mat in front of your couch. Lie down on your back on the mat with your knees bent and your feet tucked under your couch.

    • 2

      Place your hands behind your neck and engage your abdominal muscles. Slowly crunch upwards towards your knees, lifting your upper body and shoulders off the mat.

    • 3

      Keep your head and neck in line with your spine as you come up. Make sure that you are lifting with your abs not your neck. Keeping your chin off your chest helps keep you from pulling with your neck or straining your back.

    • 4

      Lower back down slowly until your upper body and back are on the mat. Repeat for three sets of 25 repetitions.