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Furniture Throws for Couches That Stick

Throws can make your sofa more comfortable and can protect newer couches and revamp older ones. Couches that stick to you, like those made of leather, polypropylene or vinyl, for example, can be covered with a throw. Finding throws for couches made from these materials may be difficult, however, because they tend to be slippery, and you'll need to find ones that stay in place.
    • A large sheepskin throw gives your couch an organic, rustic feel, while making a soft, cosy, yet durable cover. Also, the reverse side of a sheepskin is suede, which makes it resistant to slipping, so it's ideal as a throw for your leather or leatherette couch. Sheepskin throws don't just come in the off-white color normally associated with sheepskins. They come in creams, dark browns, blacks and stone colors. You can even get blue-dyed sheepskin throws.

    • Large throws made from chenille, linen or damask materials that are big enough to cover your whole couch, are another option in covering slippery sofas. The sheer size and weight of these throws helps keep them in place. You might prefer throws made from lighter cotton or cotton-mix fabrics in the summer, and you can hold these in place with a few strategically placed safety pins as an extra precaution. Tuck the throw in at the side and back of the seats. A non-stick padding material can be placed in between a throw and the couch if you feel it needs more grip.

    • Specially-designed slipcover throws are now available. While being a much looser fit than made-to-measure covers, their shape nevertheless helps the throw to stay in position on the sofa. There are a selection of slipcover throw types to choose from, depending on the shape of your sofa. These slipcover throws, when tucked in and pinned into place, will not easily slide off your leather or plastic-variety couch. Again, if you want the throw to cling a bit more firmly to the couch, use a layer of padded non-stick material.