Home Garden

Remedies to Kill Dust Mites in a Sofa

When you sit down on your sofa, you may not be alone. Thousands of microscopic dust mites can live on and in your furniture. Despite their small size, they can cause health problems. If they affect a member of your household, you need to get rid of the dust mites.
  1. Issues

    • Dust mites do not bite people, nor do they carry diseases. They can trigger allergies in people who are sensitive to them. When a person is exposed to the proteins in a dust mite's body or to its feces, he can experience skin and eye irritation along with a stuffy nose. For people with asthma, dust mite allergies can lead to respiratory problems and even trigger asthma attacks. Dust mites living in a sofa can cause symptoms every time a sensitive person sits down on it.


    • If the cushions on your sofa can be steam-cleaned, than have that done right away. The high temperatures will kill dust mites. If not, you can purchase benzyl benzoate dry foam. It kills mites and will eliminate the dust mites living inside your sofa. Benyzl benzoate needs to be applied twice within six weeks. After that, it will provide residual protection against dust mites re-infesting your sofa and will only need to be reapplied every six months or so to remain effective. Use tannic acid on your sofa to break down allergens and make it ready for use.


    • To stop dust mites from coming back, take protective measures for your sofa. Place a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle full of water. Spray the solution over the upholstered portions of the furniture. Eucalyptus oil kills dust mites naturally. Placing a tightly woven synthetic cover over cushions, inside the sofa fabric will also prevent dust mites from getting inside of them. If you put a cover over your sofa, you can wash it weekly in hot water to eliminate all dust mites in the part of the sofa that comes in contact with your skin.


    • Before using tannic acid on your sofa, test it out on a small inconspicuous part of the furniture. There is a risk it will stain the fabric. You can make your home less hospitable to dust mites by reducing the humidity levels inside with a dehumidifier. Change the filters for your air conditioner and furnace often. Removing rugs and knick-knacks will cut down on the dust inside your home. Since dust mites live in and feed on dust, this will help to cut down on their numbers.