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Does Sleeping on a Couch Ruin It?

Some couches are meant for sleeping and are built to withstand nightly use. These sleeper sofas do not get ruined when you sleep on them. Other couches are meant for sitting, and although you can use sleep on them occasionally, you may cause excessive wear if you make a habit of using them as a bed every night.
  1. Cushions

    • Couch cushions tend to get flattened and sag over time, and this normal wear and tear happens more rapidly on heavily used furniture. Expect your sofa to sag more quickly if it is frequently used as a bed. This does not ruin it, but it makes the furniture less comparable and attractive. Flattened cushions are especially annoying if one side sags more than the other because the sleeper regularly puts more weight on one side. Varying the sleeping position and turning and plumping the cushions regularly helps prevent this problem.


    • Couch arms are not built to support a great deal of weight, so sitting on them or allowing children to jump and play on them can cause breakage, G Plan Upholstery advises. Sleeping may also place extra stress on a sofa's arms, depending on your height, weight and usual sleeping position. A tall person who does not fit completely on the couch must sleep with legs extended over the arm. This places stress on the furniture all night, and the cumulative hours of pressure can eventually ruin the sofa arms. You increase the risk of damage if you tend to toss and turn a lot overnight.


    • Drooling in your sleep is a common problem, especially if you sleep with your mouth open, according to Dr. Peter Wang of SteadyHealth.com. The saliva that collects in your mouth overnight overflows onto your pillow or adjacent surfaces. If you are sleeping on a couch, the saliva will repeatedly saturate the material each night if you have cloth or microfiber furniture. Eventually the moisture can damage the furniture. You are more likely to drool in your sleep if you have a respiratory infection, but some people do it habitually. Covering the couch with a sheet or blanket under the pillow helps prevent damage.


    • Prevent damage to your couch by purchasing a sleeper sofa if you or someone else in your household needs to use the sofa regularly as a bed. Futons offer a low-cost alternative, as they provide you with a place to sit during the day and fold down into a bed at night. Futon mattresses come in varying thicknesses and materials so you can choose something that meets your needs.