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How to Repair a Cat Damaged Upholstered Couch

Cats are four-legged members of the family who love to make themselves at home, lounging on the furniture. However, some cats might have more irksome intentions: to use your furniture as a scratching post. If your cat has made a mess of your couch's upholstery, these scratches can be mended to hide the damage. Though it is not possible to make the upholstery look like new unless the affected areas are completely redone, you can easily minimize the look of the tears.


    • 1

      Cut away the frayed ends from the scratches on the sofa. These frayed ends are unsightly and difficult to repair. With a sharp blade, cut approximately 1/4 inch around the affected area to create a clean, even line around the damage. Burning the edges with a light flame will also help smooth away the frayed pieces.

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      Replace batting or foam as necessary to restore the look of the sofa. Staple or use spray adhesive to hold the new upholstery material in place so that it can be covered with a new fabric patch.

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      Cut a new piece of material to size to put over the damaged area. If you cannot find an exact match of the fabric from a store, trim the material off a matching throw pillow or from an inconspicuous location at the backside of the sofa or underneath the cushion. Singe or trim the edges to avoid frayed pieces.

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      Thread a needle with a sturdy thread that matches the couch's upholstery. Starting at the interior edge of the hole, push the needle through the existing fabric and then through the new patch. Bring the needle back through the new patch and then to the existing fabric to tighten.

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      Continue around the damaged area, pulling taut with the thread until the entire perimeter of the patch is sewn in place. Tie a knot in the end of the thread to secure the patch. Cut off excess material.