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How to Dry a Large Foam Couch Cushion

Spilling a liquid on your large, foam couch cushions is a mishap that often occurs when you have small children or pets, although it can happen in any household. Foam cushions typically cannot withstand the heat of a clothes dryer without suffering damage. Cushions that are quite large won't tumble well even if they are safe for a dryer. Because of the density of the foam, it is necessary to remove as much moisture as possible. This prevents the foam from becoming moldy and foul smelling.

Things You'll Need

  • Mild dishwashing liquid (optional)
  • Clean, absorbent towels
  • Clothespins
  • Drying rack (optional)
  • Oscillating fan (optional)
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      Remove the couch cushion from the covering. Generally, the covering has a zipper that allows you to remove it. Clean and dry the covering according to the owner's manual.

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      Wash the foam couch cushion thoroughly if the liquid was not clean water. Do this by placing it in a bathtub and squeezing warm soapy water through it several times. Use mild dishwashing detergent to create the suds. Rinse the cushion until no suds appear when you squeeze it.

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      Lay the foam couch cushion on a flat work surface that water will not damage. Do this on top of an old towel on a garage floor, your kitchen floor, patio or even your driveway.

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      Fold up another old towel and kneel beside the cushion.

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      Press the dry towel into the foam cushion firmly with your hands. The towel absorbs the excess moisture. Use another dry towel if the first one becomes saturated. Repeat this several times for the best results.

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      Hang the foam cushion to a clothesline. This allows air to reach all sides and is the fastest method. Squeeze the edges of the foam cushion together to clip it to the clothespin and line.

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      Wait several hours for the foam to dry completely. Remove it from the clothesline and replace the foam inside the cushion cover.