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How to Troubleshoot a Pride Lift Chair

Lift chairs provide a comfortable way for people to stand up. Most lift chairs are recliners that lift the occupant off of the ground and into a more vertical position. These chairs are particularly useful for the elderly, people with arthritis or other people who have difficulty standing up. With a variety of household tools, including screwdrivers, pliers and wrenches, you can fix your lift chair with ease.

Things You'll Need

  • Pride chair Owner's Manual
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Pliers
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  1. Instructions

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      Look at the chair's electrical plug, as the chair most likely became unplugged or the plug is not fully connected to the outlet. If this is the case, securely reconnect the plug.

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      Check the chair's connections. The electrical connections under the chair could be loose or connection cables could be pinched or bent. Tighten loose electrical connections with a small screwdriver and straighten bent or pinched cables.

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      Check the chair's transformer, motor and relay box under the chair as a malfunction in any of these could cause the chair to stop working completely. The hand control used by the operator to change the chair's position may also be malfunctioning.

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      Test the chair's wood frame, bolts and lift frame. Loose wood frames or bolts, overly tight bolts or the lift frame rubbing against the wood frame will all cause the chair to squeal.

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      Lay the chair on its side and check the wood frame and t-bracket. If the wood frame is rubbing against the lift frame or the t-bracket is cracking, you could hear popping noise. The t-bracket is the metal frame on the underside of the lift chair.

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      Check the dual motor timing if the chair will not recline all the way. The motors' timing could be off which would stop the chair from completely reclining. Put the chair on its side and remove the motor and plug it in. Use the hand control to turn the motor on and let it run until it stops on its own. Screw the push tube, located to the right of the drive tube where you just removed the motor, until you feel it bottoming out. Turn the push tube back two turns and grab the push tube. Turn the unit on with the hand control and allow the push tube to move away from the metal casing. Push the pin at the back of the push tube and reinstall the motor. This should re-time the motor.

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      Look at the wood frame, seat foam, leveling legs, motors and bolts if the chair is crooked. The wood frame could be twisted, the seat foam may be broken or misshapen, the leveling leg may need adjustment, the motor could be timed incorrectly or the bolts could be loose. If all looks in order, make sure the ground under the chair is level.