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How to Wire a Massage Chair

Massage chairs have been a proven treatment for aiding those who suffer from back conditions and for relieving aches and pains. They also can generate income when set up on a pay-per-use basis at a place of business. When you first get a massage chair, not only do you have to assemble the actual furniture components, but you also have to wire the chair's electrical parts as well. The exact process for doing this will vary from chair to chair, but below is a typical process. With proper instruction, you can have the new chair wired in less than five minutes.


    • 1

      Hook the two connectors together that come from the back of the chair, and the arm that holds the money collector. One connector will have a male end, and the other will be female.

    • 2

      Hook the two vibration conducting connectors together that are located in front, right underneath the foot of the chair. These two connectors will also have one that is male and one that is female as well.

    • 3

      Plug the two electronic beeping connectors together that are also located in front, directly underneath the foot of the chair. Like the other connectors, there will be one male end, and one female also.

    • 4

      Plug the massage chair's power cable into an available AC outlet to provide it with electrical current. Your massage chair will now be completely wired, and ready to relieve stress and backaches for all that choose to use it.