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How to Troubleshoot Berkline Easy Lift Chairs

Berkline's Easy Lift line of recliners features the ability to lift occupants into a standing position. They can also recline backward, just as in any standard recliner, but the Easy Lift's forward-lift feature can be helpful to individuals who have a hard time standing from a seated position. With constant use, you may one day encounter problems with your Easy Lift chair. With the help of some basic Easy Lift troubleshooting guidelines, you may be able to avoid the need for a service call.


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      Check the Easy Lift's control wand for a "PWR" LED light if the chair is unresponsive. If the "PWR" light is not on, ensure that your Easy Lift chair is plugged into a working power outlet and that the power adapter is securely connected to the power cable, or smart box, at the chair's rear.

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      Check the chair's footrest for restraints if the "PWR" LED is lit, but your chair won't recline. Use a pair of shears or a knife to remove any restraints on the chair's footrest.

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      Check for a "Lock" light on the chair control wand. Hold down the control wand's "Up" and "Down" buttons to unlock the chair if the "Lock" light is lit.

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      Monitor the footrest, as the chair reclines, if your Easy Lift chair won't recline. Notice if the footrest is caught on the floor's carpeting when you try to recline. If the footrest is caught on carpeting, try placing a firm rug beneath the chair -- the rug can flatten plush carpet and allow the footrest to open.

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      Disconnect the control wand from your chair's smart box, for heated massage models, if the chair's heat function is unresponsive. Reconnect the control wand after at least 15 seconds have passed, and then attempt to use the chair's heat function again.