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Tips for Soda Fountain Chairs

Say "soda fountain" to most people and the images that come to mind will be the same: Happy Days, Back to the Future, retro-1950s designs and plenty of chrome. The well-known, stylized design of a soda fountain chair consists of simple metal or wood frames with pronounced curves or angles, and cushions usually covered in brightly colored vinyl. Soda fountain chairs can be a focal point for any room, provided you place and care for them correctly.
  1. Finding Soda Fountain Chairs

    • Searching for soda fountain chairs presents you with two choices; buying brand new or secondhand. Nostalgic diner furniture remains very popular and several companies specialize in it. However, these chairs are extremely expensive, often going for several hundred dollars. Secondhand chairs are harder to find but by checking local furniture dealers and secondhand listings you should be able to track some down. Restaurant supply stores can be a source for reasonably priced new chairs in the soda-fountain style.

    Restoring Soda Fountain Chair Metal Work

    • Restoring soda fountain chairs is relatively easy, especially if you concentrate on each section separately, starting with the metal. First, wash down the steel frame with soap and water and rinse it thoroughly. Then, take some wire wool and use that to scrub any excess dust, paint or rust spots off the metal. Wash it again and let it dry.

    Restoring Soda Fountain Chair Upholstery

    • Wash the vinyl chair backing using soapy water to remove any grime. Alternately, unscrew the back if possible or cut it free if not. Remove any staples or tacks and buy a sheet of vinyl two inches wider than the chair backing. Place the backing in the center of this sheet and carefully fold the vinyl around it, avoiding creases and folds and tack it in place. Then replace the chair backing and repeat this process for the cushion.

    Placing Soda Fountain Chairs

    • Soda fountain chairs are simple, almost minimalist pieces of design so they can be placed in a room without dominating the space. Their stylish, simple frames and association with food and socializing make them ideal dining room chairs, while their durability means they are equally well suited to children's rooms. They also serve well as study furniture, comfortable enough to work on but precise enough to ensure you keep focused and working.