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Balance Ball Chair Instructions

A balance ball chair is part balance ball, and part chair. Under the chair frame, rather than a seat, there is a large balance ball. In order to get the most use out of a balance ball chair, you must learn to sit on it correctly. Over time, the chair will help improve your posture, and strengthen your lower back and abdominal muscles; these are not often engaged when you are sitting.


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      Sit in the center of the balance ball chair. Even though there is a back on the chair, it is not meant for support. Sit so that your buttocks are in the middle of the chair.

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      Keep your back straight. Additionally, you want to keep your shoulders down. Until you find a balance point, it might be tempting to raise and tense your shoulders. Instead let them relax.

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      Adjust your feet so that they are resting flat on the floor. You might be tempted to raise the balls of your feet, or place them out to the side to help steady yourself. However, you want to keep your feet flat placed directly in front of you. Additionally, your knees should be at a 90 degree angle.

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      Determine if you need to raise or lower the chair. Your thighs and torso should form a 90 degree angle. If your hips are above your thighs, then the chair needs to be lowered. If your hips are below your thighs, then the chair needs to be raised. You can either add air, or remove air from the air hole opening. Or you can depress the seat adjustor on the back of the chair to raise or lower the seat.

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      Keep your elbows loose. The purpose of the balance chair is so you can work freely while sitting with correct posture. Therefore, you need your arms and elbows to be loose and relaxed so that you can type or perform other tasks.