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Mattress Firmness Levels

Every person has a different type mattress that feels the most comfortable. Some prefer a deep and soft mattress while others require firmer support for a bad back. Understanding what types of mattresses are available helps you make an informed decision when the time comes to buy a new bed for your home.
  1. Soft Mattress

    • Soft mattresses allow you to sink into the bed, and they conform to your shape. The ultimate benefit of this is comfort. Few would argue that soft mattresses are more comfortable. However, if you are a very heavy person, a mattress that is too soft might not be practical as super soft mattresses sag a great deal under too much weight on small points. Soft mattresses are ideal for those who have a difficult time getting comfortable enough to rest at night.

    Medium Mattress

    • Falling in between the soft and firm form factors, the medium mattress is just right for the majority of people. If the mattress is too soft, adequate support is not present for those who suffer from back pain. However, a mattress that is too firm causes discomfort by cutting off circulation to areas of the body where too much pressure is placed. Back pain sufferers benefit instead from a mattress somewhere in the middle of the available firmness levels.

    Firm Mattress

    • A firm mattress provides fairly sturdy support to your spine when you lay on it, which is not comfortable for everyone but may provide the right type of support for people who typically sleep in certain positions. If you sleep on your back or your stomach, a firm mattress provides you with the desirable added support that alleviates pressure on your spine.

    Adjustable Mattress

    • Adjustable mattresses allow you to adjust the firmness level of the mattress through the use of an external control. Adjust-ability provides a good option for people who aren't sure what they want or who have a great deal of trouble sleeping. With an adjustable bed, you have the option of tailoring the bed's comfort factor each night. Beds with adjust-ability on each side are a good option for couples who sleep together but have different mattress firmness preferences.