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Professional Pesticides for Bed Bugs

Bedbugs are difficult to eliminate. Though some non-chemical treatments sometimes work, a professional pesticide is often required to put an end to a large infestation. Several different chemical pesticides are used by professionals and these are the most effective ways to remove bedbugs completely from the home.
  1. Pyrethrins

    • Pyrethrins, also referred to as pyrethroids, are commonly used in treating a bedbug infestation. When these liquid chemicals are applied, they work well at killing bedbugs on contact. Once the chemicals dry, however, they lose their effectiveness. This is not the best method for preventing new bedbug infestations.

    D-Phenothrin With Alcohol

    • This chemical kills both live bedbugs and eggs on a mattress on contact. It does not leave a residue behind, so it is to be used thoroughly to kill all signs of bedbugs to ensure the infestation is completely gone.


    • Lambda-Cyhalothrin is one of the most effective pesticides for getting rid of bedbugs. It works quickly and continues to kill bedbugs for as long as 12 weeks. This chemical has been found to work well on almost any surface with the shortest length of residual effects being on metal.


    • Beta-Cyfluthrin has also been effective in controlling bedbugs. It kills them on contact and prevents re-infestation. Thoroughly applying this chemical and continuing to keep a home tidy increases the success rate of this pesticide.

    Pesticide Dusts

    • Insecticide dusts contain limestone, diatomaceous earth or pyrethroids. Pyrethroids and diatomaceous earth are known for killing bedbugs more thoroughly. These chemicals also leave behind a residue that works well to prevent further infestations. Silica pyrethrin dusts have been found to work better than diatomaceous earth. It takes as long as two weeks before the diatomaceous earth takes effect. Limestone is even less effective and takes four times as long as diatomaceous earth to kill bedbugs.