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The Definition of a Bed Spread

Bed coverings are primarily for the purpose of keeping the occupant of the bed warm while he is sleeping, but they have evolved to play a role in fashion and design as well. Bed spreads function in conjunction with blankets, sheets and quilts to create a bed that is both comfortable and attractive.
  1. Definition

    • A bed spread is the top layer of bed coverings that goes over everything else. When the bed is made, the bed spread covers the pillows and hangs down over both sides of the bed, covering the side rails. With the bed spread in place, the only parts of the bed itself that are visible are the legs, footboard and headboard. Any piece of material that is used in this way is technically a bed spread, although most people use bed spreads that have been specifically made for that purpose.

    Kinds of Bed Spread

    • Some bed spreads are a single layer of material that are primarily decorative, while others are made of thick or quilted material and play dual roles as a decorative bed spread and a quilt for warmth. Bed spreads are made in many sizes to accommodate different sizes of bed, including single, twin, queen and king. Bedspreads may be made of wool, cotton or other material, and may be sewn, knitted, crocheted or quilted.


    • The primary purposes of a bed spread are to create an attractive surface on the bed when it isn't being used and to protect the bedclothes underneath from becoming soiled or dusty during the day. The bed spread can also function to provide extra warmth when the bed is being used during cold weather.


    • A bed that has a bed spread on it will fare better when a cat or dog with muddy feet jumps onto it. The bed spread can be cleaned more easily than the bedclothes underneath it. In a bedroom with large windows that let in lots of sunshine, a bed spread will protect the quilts and blankets underneath it from fading.