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Sleigh Bed Definition

Many people use sleigh beds today although they might not know the sleigh bed had its origins in the Empire period of furniture in the early 19th Century. It became a commonly used wooden bed style that century. Even President Abraham Lincoln slept in a sleigh bed at his residence in Springfield, Illinois from 1844 to 1861. Lincoln's sleigh bed was made of mahogany, according to the website for the Lincoln Home National Historic Site where the bed remains on display.
  1. Definition

    • Sleigh beds can be made of any wood. The distinguishing feature is that sleigh beds have a headboard and a foot board that roll out at the top. That outward roll can be fairly modest and carved atop an otherwise straight headboard and foot board, like Lincoln's bed, or it can be a more pronounced curve.


    • Sleigh beds were created in the 19th Century when horse-drawn vehicles were used. There were no motorized vehicles yet. In the winter, people travelled around in sleighs, which were "an open, usually horse-drawn vehicle that included runners for use on snow or ice. Sleighs had a front and back that curved outward. Sleigh beds looked similar to sleighs, hence the name.


    • Some newly manufactured sleigh beds take a modern approach rather than patterning exactly after designs from the 19th Century. For example, while the original sleigh beds used solid wood headboards and foot boards, some newer designs use wood slats and then just top off the headboard and foot board with a piece of wood with an outward roll. In addition, instead of mahogany, cherry or other hardwoods, some modern sleigh beds are made of pine or veneered plywood or have a painted finish. Even the tradition of having the headboard and foot board the same height is now optional with many sleigh beds having a lower foot board.


    • No matter whether the sleigh bed is a traditional or modern design, the one thing all sleigh beds have in common is a need for bedding. This style of bed frame provides a sturdy backrest for people who like to read in bed by propping up the pillows against the headboard. In addition, while a sleigh bed looks good with either a bedspread or quilt covering it during the day, at night the outward rolled foot board makes a handy storage place for the cover.