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How Long Do Beds Last?

While manufacturers make claims about how often beds should be replaced, the fact is that the useful life of a mattress depends on many factors. These include how it is used, the quality of the mattress and whether it receives proper care during its lifetime. When a bed stops providing the support necessary for good sleep, it is time for it to be replaced.
  1. Use

    • The useful life of a bed depends greatly on how it is used. On average, a bed used nightly by one or two adults can be expected to last seven to nine years. A mattress used by a small child will last longer, while a bed in a guest room rarely used can be expected to last the longest. In addition, children playing on the bed, jumping on it and breaking down the springs can shorten the life of a mattress.


    • The quality of the workmanship and materials play a large role in how long a bed will last. Some high-quality beds can last up to 30 years if given proper care. Beds made with low-quality materials or poor workmanship may last only two to three years before they stop offering proper support and comfort.


    • Even a high-quality bed can have a shortened life span if it does not receive regular maintenance and care. Mattresses must be flipped and/or rotated regularly to retain their shape and integrity. They must also be placed on proper box springs or support or they will fail much sooner than they should. In addition, standing, walking or jumping on the mattress can shorten its life quickly.

    When to Replace the Bed

    • Since the useful life of each bed varies greatly, the best way to determine whether a mattress is ready for replacement is to pay attention to the quality of sleep it offers. If it appears worn out, has lumps, body impressions or other physical wear, it is ready to be replaced. If you do not sleep as well on the mattress as you should, or wake up with aches and pains, the bed is also likely worn out and has reached the end of its useful life.