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The Negative Effects of Electric Blankets

Though once common in homes across North America, especially during the winter months, electric blankets are often frowned upon by modern-day consumers. While their benefits, such as warming you quickly and keeping your bed warm throughout a cool night are ideal, their negative effects and risks can often outweigh the positives.
  1. Fire

    • Any electronic device that stays on over a period of several hours can become a fire risk, and electric blankets are no different. Over time, the blanket's wiring may fray or may suffer any kind of malfunction that results in it catching fire. This is equally dangerous if you are in bed with the blanket or if you inadvertently leave it on after getting up for the day.


    • Though an electric blanket may make your bed cozy when it's initially cold, running it throughout the night will elevate your power bill unnecessarily. Getting into a cold bed is never pleasant, but soon enough, most people warm up. Keeping a power-draining blanket on for eight straight hours while asleep will keep you warm, but at a cost.

    Electromagnetic Field

    • Growing data suggest the harm caused to humans by the electromagnetic fields surrounding electronic devices. According to the health website Mercola, citing studies by various universities, an electric blanket's electromagnetic field can extend at least 6 inches into the human body. Further studies have linked these blankets with childhood cancer and miscarriages.


    • If you sleep with a pet, such as a cat or dog, you should avoid using an electric blanket. During the night, the pet may wake and as a result of boredom, begin chewing things. If the pet decides to chew the blanket's cord or the blanket itself, it could receive a shock or even shock you as you sleep.