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Pros & Cons of Air Foam Beds

Foam latex mattresses have been around in one form or another for many decades. During the manufacturing process, the latex is pumped full of air, making it foamy and springy. These mattresses have many distinct advantages over other types of mattresses. They also have a number of disadvantages. Before choosing your next mattress, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the different kinds of foam latex mattresses.
  1. Pros: Foam Mattresses

    • Foam mattresses offer a combination of support and comfort that many consider to be ideal, according to Dr. Michael Breus, a sleep expert and author. This combination is especially beneficial for people with back pain. The combination of support and comfort is very fine-tuned in some foam mattresses, which use different size air holes in different areas of the foam, which creates zones with more support and zones with more yield. Foam mattresses also tend to be very durable, lasting 20 years or more in some cases. Latex foam mattresses are also resistant to allergens, making them healthier for people with some types of allergies.

    Cons: Foam Mattresses

    • People who dislike firm mattresses will likely find that foam mattresses aren’t right for them. Those with trochanteric bursitis or who suffer from other conditions that cause aches and pains at pressure points will also likely not benefit from foam mattresses. Some people complain of a chemical or rubbery smell arising from the mattress. People who are sensitive to smells may find that they have a difficult time sleeping on foam mattresses.

    Pros: Memory Foam

    • Memory foam is a specialized type of foam mattress that forms itself to the contours of anything that rests on it, which provides even support over a sleeper’s entire body, reducing pressure at pressure points and providing relief to people with various kinds of pain. Memory foam also does not transmit movements, which allows sleepers to remain undisturbed by a partner’s tossing and turning.

    Cons: Memory Foam

    • Because memory foam molds itself to your body, more of the surface of your body is in contact with the foam, which can cause some people to find that memory foam mattresses are too hot for comfort. Some also complain that they give off an unpleasant chemical odor.