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Does Putting Wood Under Your Mattress Stop It From Creaking?

Any number of things can ruin a good night’s sleep, including a creaking bed. With wear and tear, both wooden and metal frames are subject to loosen and produce squeaks and creaks. If you find your bed in such a state, you don't need to buy a new one to put an end to the sound. Although putting wood under the mattress makes a firmer foundation, it does not address the source of the creaking; however, other remedies will.
  1. Cause of Creaking

    • The source of creaky beds rests at the bed's hardware. With extended pressure and weight, both metal and wooden frames will creak. Too much pressure on the footboard or headboard will also create friction and result in creaking. Simply recenter the mattress and box spring on the frame to fix this problem.

    Fixing With Soap

    • The hardware on metal bed frames sometimes cause creaks and can be easily fixed with ordinary bar soap. After removing the box spring and mattress from the frame, take out each piece of hardware. Rub each piece onto a piece of bar soap until each of the grooves is filled. When coated, replace the hardware and then put the mattress and box spring back into place.

    Fixing With Powder

    • Wooden bed frames may create the same annoying creaking sounds as hardwood floors. Just as a wooden floor is silenced with talcum, graphite or baby powder, the same is true for a wooden bed frame. Generously sprinkle some powder onto the creaky area

    Fixing With Glue

    • Creaky wooden beds can be made good as new with an application of glue. Apply wood glue to the loose frame and let it dry according to the manufacturer’s directions. Put the box frame and mattress back in place for a creak-free sleeping experience.