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How to Restore a Mattress

Your mattress is a haven for allergens, including dog and cat hair, dust mites and certain types of bacteria. Even when covered in sheets, the mattress picks up stains from body oil, sweat and urine. The mattress is also susceptible to bed bugs and dust mites. Restoring your mattress is necessary when the item begins smelling or you see stains. Restoration is also required when your mattress undergoes water damage caused by flooding, a leaking roof or faulty sprinklers.

Things You'll Need

  • Fans
  • Nylon brush
  • 1 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1 cup water
  • Bowl
  • Soft cloth
  • Mattress cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • Vacuum cleaner
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      Carry the mattress outside, if the mattress is soggy. Aim several fans at the mattress and run the fans continuously for several days. Let the mattress sit in the sunshine until the fabric no longer feels wet to the touch. Flip the mattress over if needed.

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      Scrub the mattress with a nylon scrub brush, working the brush over the front and back of the mattress and then the sides. The brush gently rubs off any debris stuck to the surface of the fabric, including dirt or food stains.

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      Mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and water in a small bowl. Dip a cloth in the solution and squeeze out most of the water. Rub the damp cloth over the top and sides of the mattress. Let the mattress dry completely, flip it over and wipe down the other side.

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      Clean the mattress with a specialty cleaner designed for mattresses. Apply the cleaning solution to stained areas and scrub with the nylon brush. Dab a damp cloth across the fabric, which absorbs the cleaning solution. Let the mattress air dry.

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      Sprinkle baking soda over the dry mattress and let it set for several hours or preferably overnight. Vacuum the baking soda off the mattress. Apply more baking soda to the other side of the mattress and vacuum away the powder. The baking soda absorbs any lingering scents left on the mattress.