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How to Drape a Campaign Style Canopy Bed

Created for use in the field during military campaigns, campaign furniture was designed for quick assembly and dismantling. Campaign canopy beds featured slender, iron posts and canopy frames that came apart for easy transport. Modern reproductions feature the same slim lines, with straight or inward-sloping posts. Straight-post versions are fitted with rectangular canopy frames. Those with sloping posts are topped by small round or rectangular frames, and they resemble skeletal versions of full-frame, crown-canopy beds. Draping either campaign-style canopy bed type with simple lengths of fabric suits the historical style and softens the look.

Things You'll Need

  • Spool of string
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Fabric
  • Straight pins
  • Sewing machine
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  1. Crown-Style Canopies

    • 1

      Tie the loose end of a spool of string around the crown -- round or square -- next to one of the connecting posts. Unroll the string spool, letting the string follow the contour of the inward-curving part of the post. Tie the string to the post where the curve meets the straight part. Guide the string down the straight part of the post. Clip the string from the spool at the spot where it reaches the floor.

    • 2

      Untie the string from the crown and post. Measure the cut length of string. Double the result and add 2 feet for the working length.

    • 3

      Cut four lengths of fabric to the working length from Step 2. Fold a half-inch double hem into both ends of each piece of fabric. Pin the hems into place, and then straight stitch them right side up on your sewing machine.

    • 4

      Fold one length of fabric in half width-wise. Loop it over the crown where it joins to one of the posts. Drape both ends of the fabric along the inward-curving part of the post. When you reach the straight part of the post, wrap the fabric ends around to the back of the post -- one on each side of the post -- and cross one piece over the other. Wrap both ends back around to the front and tie them to the post, just above where the curved portion ends. Let both ends of fabric trail down the straight part of the post and puddle onto the floor. Adjust the drape at the curve as needed.

    • 5

      Repeat Step 4 with the other three lengths of fabric and bedposts

    Straight-Lined Canopies

    • 6

      Measure from the top of the canopy to the floor. Double the measurement and add 2 inches for the working length.

    • 7

      Cut eight lengths of fabric into panels equaling the working length from Step 1. Machine sew half-inch double hems into both ends of all eight pieces.

    • 8

      Fold the lengths of fabric in half width-wise, right side out. Position the insides of the folds over the canopy frame, with a panel to the right and left of each bed post. Let both ends of each panel fall to the floor. For the two panels at the head of the bed and the two at the foot, pull both layers of fabric to the outside of the headboard and footboard.

    • 9

      Push the folded top of each panel toward its corner post, if the panels cover too much of the canopy frame. Narrowing the fabric by pushing it along the frame creates a gathered effect.