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Remedy to Make Clothes in the Drawer Smell Good

When you pull your clothes out of the drawer, the last thing you want is for them to smell musty. Making clothes stored in drawers smell better isn't difficult. What you do need to decide, though, is which particular scent suits your style the best, so you know what to do to your drawer to improve the odor.
  1. Cedar Furniture

    • Cedar furniture naturally carries the woodsy smell of cedar in the wood. Clothes kept in cedar furniture will come out smelling faintly of cedar, which is a smell often identified as a masculine odor, so whether or not you like the smell of cedar is up to personal preference. If you enjoy the smell but don't have genuine cedar furniture, you can purchase cedar drawer linings or cedar chips to put in the drawers to attain the same effect.

    Dryer Sheets

    • Tuck a few dryer sheets into the drawers that you store your clothes in. Typically, people who use scented fabric softener sheets notice that the scent fades by the time they put the clothes on. However, by tucking a few more of the sheets into the drawer, the scent will last much longer. Use the same type of sheets that you use in the dryer so you're not piling conflicting scents on your clothes.


    • Potpourri of any type in a drawer makes the clothing take on some of its smell. Loose potpourri sprinkled in a drawer makes the clothes smell good but might get tangled or stuck in clothing like sweaters. Instead, use a potpourri bag or put some loose potpourri into a small bag made of cotton or another natural fiber cloth that contains the potpourri while letting the scent out.

    Baking Soda

    • Baking soda works very well to neutralize odors. Many people are sensitive to artificial odors and perfumes in detergents that make clothes smell. A baking soda container in a dresser helps absorb smells and make all clothes smell clean, which helps neutralize overly artificial and strong odors that might cling to the clothing from laundering and also prevents the drawers from smelling musty or old. Any other unpleasant smells caused by old furniture or drawers that have previously had sources of bad smells stored in them should eventually be neutralized by the baking soda.