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How Should a Bed Be Placed in a Bedroom According to Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient practice utilizing the environmental elements of water, earth, fire, metal and wood. By managing the energy of these elements in a certain manner, it is believed that a person reaches harmony in life. The arrangement of the furniture in your home in accordance with the practices of feng shui includes the placement of your bed.
  1. Chi or Energy

    • The principle of feng shui is managing the energy or chi of the five main elements, which is always moving and changing. Practicing feng shui within your home controls this chi to create harmony and balance. The chi in your home affects your wellbeing in areas such as health, relationships and wealth. Interrupting or interfering with this natural flow of chi potentially creates negativity. A person spends a great majority of time in the bedroom and asleep, making it essential to establish good feng shui in this room especially.


    • Windows and doors affect the flow of chi within the bedroom. Chi flows naturally between the door and the windows. Try to avoid placing your bed in a direct line with this channel of energy. Another practice of good feng shui is to place the bed in a position where the door is visible. If this is not possible, place a mirror on the opposite wall to enable you to see the door’s reflection. Do not position the bed on the same wall as the door or under a window. Feng shui practice also suggests that beds should not be placed at an angle.

    Directions and Kua

    • Another aspect of feng shui that individuals possess is their kua number, which is “imprinted” at birth. This determines your auspicious direction or directions within the feng shui system, based on the Eight Mansions formula. These directions, in accordance with this formula, are west, northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south and southwest. Place the head of your bed in the direction that corresponds with your kua number.

    Directions and Benefits

    • Positioning your bed in compliance with your kua number brings an individual inner harmony. There are also directional placements that promote wellbeing. The best directions to face the head of the bed are southeast and southwest, east, west or northwest. The least favorable are north and northeast along with south. Eastern facing beds promote growth, ambition and career building, while southwest facing beds bring peace to relationships. Northeast facing beds may bring about violent nightmares.