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Self-Adjusting Mattress Technology

Self-adjusting mattress technology was initially used in health-care facilities to prevent bedsores. Soon after, medical professionals began to realize the effect this technology could have on individuals who lived with physical ailments that made sleeping difficult. Self-adjusting mattress technology puts little pressure on the body and adjusts as individuals switch weight and change positions during the night.
  1. Purpose

    • The purpose of self-adjusting mattress technology is to help those with physical ailments get a good night's sleep. When individuals don't receive an adequate amount of sleep, it may elevate stress levels, increase cholesterol and cause other physical problems. Receiving a good night's sleep helps prevent diseases and improves health. Sleep-adjusting mattress technology allows someone to customize the feel of the mattress to fit their body type and comfort.


    • Self-adjusting mattress technology does not use any motors or electricity. Instead, the self-adjusting mattress features air chambers that can be shaped to a person's body type, shape and size. The intake and release valves determine the pressure of the mattress, and individuals can customize the surface to fit their sleeping style.


    • The benefits of self-adjusting mattress technology include providing additional relaxation and comfort when sleeping. By having the ability to sleep in an ideal position, individuals will have improved blood circulation and oxygen intake that will help their body rest throughout the night. Self-adjusting mattress technology may be advantageous for those living with spinal disorders, back and neck problems, degenerative diseases and sport injuries.


    • Two different types of self-adjusting mattress technology sleep systems are available. Depending on someone's condition or preference, they may need a mattress that adjusts vertically or horizontally. Vertical systems allow individuals to adjust the pressure in the mattress for more comfort and to prevent bed sores, while the horizontal system is designed for those with neck and back problems, and degenerative diseases.