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Design Features of a Four-Poster Bed

Four-poster bed designs date as far back as 1500 B.C. Although stone bed nooks, which inhabitants of the Orkney Islands created around this time, are a distant relative of contemporary four-poster beds, they do share design elements with historic and contemporary four-poster beds. Contemporary and historic examples of four-poster beds share many common design features, but they often differ in style.
  1. Common Design Features

    • All four-poster beds share a few common design elements. They all have an elevated frame with wooden posts that extend up from each corner and an upper ceiling or canopy framework. Although wood is not the only material used to construct four-poster beds, it is by far the most common.

    Early Design Features

    • Early examples of four-poster beds feature a cupboard-like frame, which was intended to provide warmth and privacy to its inhabitants. Woodworkers designed these beds to be either freestanding pieces of furniture or built-in-alcoves in the corners of rooms. Production of four-poster beds incorporating cupboards as a design element ceased just a century ago.

      The cupboard frame four-post bed gave way to canopy-style beds as early as the middle ages. Instead of enclosing the four-poster bed with wooden siding, people hung heavy drapes from a tester, or canopy. This style of four-poster bed consisted of three common design elements: A headboard, a canopy and base to place the mattress upon.

      Historically, many design features incorporated into a four-poster bed signified the status of the owner. Beds belonging to the wealthy and powerful featured intricately carved posts, canopies and bases while beds belonging to those of lesser means included few decorative elements.

    Contemporary Design Features

    • Contemporary four-poster beds take basic design elements from their predecessors but they are, with few exceptions, much simpler than historic examples. Modern four-poster beds feature headboards, four posts and framework resembling a canopy.

      Modern four-poster bedmakers usually don't incorporate intricate carved images into their design, however, hand-turned wooden posters are a popular design feature.

      Rather than serving a utilitarian purpose, canopy framework is now largely decorative. Four-poster bed owners may leave the framework completely exposed or drape a length of sheer material over only part of the canopy. Additionally, you can now find four-poster beds made from a combination of wood and metal, or all metal.