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Can I Repair a Select Comfort Bed?

Repair of Select Comfort Sleep Number Beds is best left to the professionals of the company. If you are experiencing issues with your bed, like one side of the bed seems to be deflating, there are several tests you can practice at home to try and identify the problem. Once the issue is determined, it will be that much easier to explain the problem to a company representative. You can contact Select Comfort's Customer Service department by calling 1-888-580-9237.
  1. Troubleshooting the Issue

    • According to Jared Barry, industry professional and bedding specialist, there are are several methods to determine the problem that is affecting your Select Comfort Bed. A common issue is one side deflating more quickly than the other. Each side is connected by separate tubing to an air pump.

      By switching which hose is connected to which side of the bed, you will be able to rule out whether the issue is with the air pump. If the opposite side deflates, than likely the issue is the air pump. If it does not deflate, but the side with the initial problem does, then you will need to move onto the next test.

      To further test the deflating side, remove the air tube from the mattress and put the end cap on. If the side still deflates you know that the problem is with the chamber or with the O-ring.

      For any of the above problems, you will need to contact the company for repairs; they typically cannot be corrected by an amateur. Be sure when performing these tests to exercise patience, as a slow leak can take many hours to become apparent.