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Analysis of a Feather Pillow

A feather pillow is filled with the powder down of specific birds. If you have ever noticed a feather that has made its way out of the pillow cover, you will see that the feathers look nothing like the covering on ducks or geese. These small powdery feathers are hidden under the outer layer of large feathers, resting close to the body to lock in warmth.
  1. Powder Down Feathers

    • Duck down feathers are common pillow fillers.

      Not all feathers can be used for pillows. Only certain birds possess powder down feathers, because they lack the preen gland found in other birds. These feathers form a powdery coating and resist water. The most popular species used in bedding manufacturing include ducks, geese and swans. Other birds that have this unique type of feathers include parrots, pigeons and herons.

    History of Feather Pillows

    • Ancient birds may have had down feathers.

      Remnants of downlike feathers have been found as far back as the dinosaur days. Although it is doubtful that pillows as we know them today were used, keeping feather-covered animals close when sleeping is conceivable. Before feathers were discovered to have warm and insulating abilities, straw was a popular filler for pillows.

    Properties of Down

    • Down feathers from mature birds make better insulators.

      Down feathers are able to resist water by wicking away moisture. They are also breathable, with each feather allowing air to pass through, avoiding a clamminess as with tight knit synthetics. Mature birds have the most positive clinging properties of down feathers because tiny hooks grow with the birds to better cluster, providing better insulation. Down feathers in older birds also have a higher density that traps more air.

    Tthe Best Down Feathers

    • White goose down is superior in quality.

      Fifty percent of all down feathers are imported from Asia. Geese are raised to maturity specifically for the down. Other countries that raise ducks and geese for the down market include Poland, Hungary and other European countries. Hutterite White Goose Down comes from Canada and is considered one of the highest grades in down feathers because the down feathers are larger and are able to trap more air per filling weight.

    The Manufacturing of Down

    • Testing and quality control are performed on each feather pillow

      Down feather pillows are the most expensive type of pillows that you can purchase due to the extensive manufacturing process. Washing and disinfecting feathers is needed before filling the casing material. Tight stitching is necessary in order to keep the tiny feathers inside the pillow. A weight test and compression test follow to ensure the correct density.

    A Common Myth of Feather Pillows

    • Dust mites hide inside pillows and provoke allergies.

      The most common myth concerning feather pillows is that the feathers cause allergies. The feathers have been cleaned and processed to be sanitary as with any other type of filler. Allergies can arise when dust mites attach themselves to pillows, not from the feathers themselves.