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When to Transition a Child to a Single Bed?

Making the transition from crib to "big-kid bed" is a big step for toddlers and their parents. A bed means more independence for a child, and, for parents, it's one more sign that their baby is growing up. Watch for cues from your little one and take some simple steps to make this transition easier.
  1. Timing

    • According to an article by Deborah Lin-Dyken on the Baby Center website, most kids are ready to leave the crib sometime between 18 and 36 months. When your little one gets too big or too active to fit in a crib, it's time to switch to a bed. Most toddlers should move to a bed by the time they reach 35 inches in height, when they're tall enough to climb over crib rails, according to Laura Broadwell in an "American Baby" magazine article.


    • Falling out of the crib presents a safety hazard, and some kids can do this even before they reach 35 inches. Others never even attempt it. If your toddler tries to climb out of his crib even after you've put the mattress on the lowest setting, then it's definitely time for a bed. If you have a child who is less than 18 months who can scale over the top of his crib, Lin-Dyken recommends trying a crib tent first. To keep your toddler from falling off her new bed, install metal or plastic guardrails on the sides.

    New Sibling

    • Many parents choose to move their toddler to a bed before the impending arrival of a new sibling, but do this with caution. Lin-Dyken recommends doing it at least six weeks prior to your due date so that your older child has time to get used to his bed before a new baby takes over his crib, and so he doesn't feel displaced. You can also wait a few months after the new baby is born, while he is still sleeping in a bassinet. This gives the older child time to adjust to the new baby before his routine changes. Avoid moving your toddler to a bed when any other major changes are taking place, such as potty training, giving up the pacifier or starting preschool.

    Easing the Transition

    • Try to make the transition from crib to bed as easy on your toddler as you can. First, get her involved in the decision-making process. Take her shopping to pick out her new bed and/or bedding. Get her excited about her new "big-girl bed" by talking it up in advance and showing the new bed off to friends and family. Your child will probably find it soothing to continue using the blanket from her crib, even if it's too small. Move her favorite dolls or stuffed animals to the new bed. Some parents make the transition slowly, starting by placing the new mattress on the floor and working their way up to the fully assembled bed. Placing the new bed in the same spot as the crib might also make the change less abrupt. Many toddlers have no problem at all transitioning to a new bed or even a new room as long as their bedtime routine stays the same. However, if your little one refuses to sleep in his new bed after a few nights of trying, go back to the crib and try it again in a month or two.