Home Garden

How to Prevent Bed Bugs by Using Carpet Tape

Bed bugs are small, brown insects that feed on animal blood. Measuring approximately 3/16 inches they are hard to see and can be mistaken for a tick. A bed bug cannot fly but can move on floors, surfaces, walls and ceilings quickly. This insect is most active in the evening hours, and can hide in small crevices with its flat body. After a bed bug bites you, it will return to its hiding place, leaving a red inflamed rash on the skin. Recognizing the problem and killing the bed bugs quickly is essential to prevent infestations. Bed bugs can be prevented with carpet tape.

Things You'll Need

  • Carpet tape
  • Painter's tape
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      Take all the sheets, pillows and blankets off the bed. Place a strip of carpet tape all around the bottom edge of the mattress and the top edge of the mattress. Do the same with the box spring. Place the fitting sheet back on and repeat.

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      Apply a line of painter's tape all along the bottom of the bed frame and at the bottom of the bed frame. Place another line at the top of the bed frame and at the top of the head board. Go over top of the painter's tape with the carpeting tape and be careful not to get carpet tape directly on the frame.

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      Check every morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed to see if you have caught any bed begs in the tape. If you have, take the old tape off and reapply new tape to the surfaces and mattress. The tape will catch bed bugs and verify the problem, however it will not take care of the infestation.

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      Control infestations by contacting a local exterminating company immediately and removing the items from the home. A female bed bug will lay one or two eggs a day and can produce hundreds throughout a lifetime. Bed bugs will hide in other fabrics, like couches, chairs and carpeting. All items need to be checked thoroughly. Often the mattresses or cushions that are effected should be discarded and never used again.