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How to Open a Locked House Window

Knowing how to open a locked window is important, and contributes to the maintenance and proper handling of your windows over their lifespan. Follow these steps to open windows.


    • 1

      Locate the window lock. On single and double hung windows (windows that open up and down), the locks are located at the intersection of the two sashes, halfway between the top and bottom of the window. On casement windows (windows that open inward), the lock can usually be found along the edge of the window, halfway between the top and the bottom.

    • 2

      Check to see if the lock is engaged. You can do this by gently trying to open the window, or by looking at the lock to see if it is in the lock position.

    • 3

      Turn the lock lever to unlock the window. On double hung windows, this means sliding the lock lever from one side to the other. On casement windows, this means moving the lock lever up or down. If your window has more than one lock, be sure to unlock all of them before you try to open the window.