Home Garden

Does Window Plastic Work?

As continued emphasis is put on both cutting costs around the home and using expensive energy resources as effectively as possible, many homeowners have contemplated various ways of weatherizing their homes. Window plastic is one of many options you may want to consider while looking to improve your home's energy efficiency.
  1. Window Plastic Effectiveness

    • Window plastic has been shown to be effective at reducing energy use in homes with drafty or poorly sealed windows. However, window plastic does not tend to be as effective as more expensive solutions to drafty windows, such as replacing or repairing them. Window plastics can be used in addition to other improvements to make your home as energy efficient as possible.

    Window Plastic Benefits

    • Window plastic is a low-end way to quickly improve your home's energy efficiency by limiting the amount of air that can flow around or through your closed windows. Window plastics cut down on draftiness in homes and provide extra insulation. Window plastic is one of the easiest to install methods of weatherizing your home and, compared to actually repairing or replacing drafty windows and doors, window plastic is also one of the least expensive. Some window plastics are also considered to be a type of storm window.

    The Downside of Window Plastic

    • Window plastic has a few downsides to it, one of which being its appearance. Window plastics can be highly visible and may make it difficult to get a clear view through your windows. If the windows are significantly drafty or the plastic was not put on properly, you can expect to hear the sound of plastic rippling and flapping in the breeze on a regular basis.


    • Window plastic can be purchased in several forms. Sheets of plastic can be installed, taped or glued around the windows. Films and tapes are applied directly to the windows and the surrounding areas to seal cracks and gaps. It is important to consider how the window plastic product will be installed when purchasing to ensure it will work for your home without damaging the area around the window. Many types require that you apply heat from a blow dryer or similar tool to shrink the plastic.