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How to Form Concrete Walls & Steps

Building with concrete is often easiest when using concrete blocks. From concrete blocks, you can form concrete walls, steps and other basic structures. Before you lay a concrete wall or staircase, however, you must lay a basic concrete foundation capable of bearing the weight of your block structure. This concrete foundation will prevent the block structure from sinking or cracking in the future.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-by-8 inch lumber
  • Nails
  • Shovel
  • Tamper
  • Concrete
  • Squeegee
  • Rebar
  • Mortar
  • Trowel
  • Concrete blocks
  • Chisel
  • Hammer
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  1. Laying the Concrete Foundation

    • 1

      Dig a hole for the concrete foundation. The foundation should be 6 inches deep and as wide and long as the structure you plan to put on top of it. Tamp the ground level with a tamper. Assemble a wooden frame from 2-by-8 inch boards nailed together at the corners to fit inside the perimeter of the hole.

    • 2

      Fill the hole for the foundation half way with wet concrete. Lay metal rebar into the concrete and then fill the hole the rest of the way.

    • 3

      Level the concrete with a squeegee or a piece of 2-by-4 lumber. Allow the concrete to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    • 4

      Remove the wooden frame around the concrete.

    Concrete Steps

    • 5

      Use a trowel to spread wet mortar over the concrete foundation where the blocks will be. The first course of concrete blocks should cover the entire foundation.

    • 6

      Lay the first course of concrete blocks over the foundation. Spread mortar on the sides and back of the blocks that lay adjacent to other blocks in the course. Scrape off excess mortar from the joints with the trowel.

    • 7

      Spread mortar over the top of the first course of concrete blocks, covering the area where you plan to position the second course of blocks. The second course of blocks should be set back, away from the front edge of the first course, by at least one layer of blocks.

    • 8

      Spread mortar over the sides and backs of the blocks that will lie adjacent other blocks. Lay the blocks on top of the first course, forming the second course. Scrape the excess mortar from the joints with a trowel.

    • 9

      Continue to spread mortar and lay blocks over the staircase until you have built the stairs to the desired height. Give the mortar time to cure, then wash the staircase with a stiff brush to remove excess mortar dust.

    Concrete Wall

    • 10

      Lay mortar over the concrete foundation in the location of the first course of concrete blocks.

    • 11

      Lay the first course of concrete blocks on the wet mortar. Use a trowel to spread the sides of the blocks that lie adjacent to other blocks with wet mortar. Scrape excess mortar off the joints with the edge of the trowel.

    • 12

      Lay the second course of blocks. Start the second course with a half block so the blocks in the second course will be staggered over the blocks from the first course. Repeat the process of mortaring the blocks and lay the second course on top of the first course, until the second course has been completed. Scrape excess mortar off the joints with a trowel.

    • 13

      Continue to lay additional courses until the wall has been completed.